EastLabs.sk - advertisement
The owner and operator of the EastLabs.sk portal is EastLabs.biz s.r.o. The aim of the portal is to provide fans of fitness, bodybuilding, strength and fight sports (beginners and advanced athletes of any level) essential information from the world of bodybuilding, fitness, bikini fitness, bodyfitness, men's physique, MMA, kickboxing, powerlifting, armwrestling and as prepared by EastLabs Team members.
EastLabs.biz, s.r.o. contact
- address: Solivarská 28, 080 05 PREŠOV
- identification data: IČO 36827061; DIČ 2022440596; IČO DPH Sk 2022440596
- advertising on the portal: 0905 - 358 415, Ing Igor Kopček
- E-mail: igor.kopcek@yahoo.com
If you are interested in advertising on the portal EastLabs.sk, contact us and we will prepare a price calculation for a short-term as well as a long-term advertising campaign. You can choose from the following ad formats.
1. Text ad link to partner website in HEADER UP zone
Price for 6 months: 1800 € (1 month / 225 €)
Price for 12 months: 2280 € (1 month / 190 €)
2. Banner position in HEADER, 275x100px, all pages and subpages
Price of partnership for one month: 450 €
Partnership price for 6 months: 2460 € (1 month / 410 €)
Partnership price for 12 months: 4200 € (1 month / 350 €)
(Note: the zone has a maximum rotation of 4 banners per 3 banner positions)
3. Banner position in RIGHT UP1, RIGHT UP2, RIGHT UP3, 350x250px, all pages and subpages
RIGHT UP1 - price of partnership for one month: 450 €
RIGHT UP1 - 6 month partnership price: 2460 € (1 month / 410 €)
RIGHT UP1 - 12 month partnership price: 4200 € (1 month / 350 €)
RIGHT UP2 - price of partnership for one month: 430 €
RIGHT UP2 - 6 month partnership price: 2340 € (1 month / 390 €)
RIGHT UP2 - 12 month partnership price: 3960 € (1 month / 330 €)
(Note: the zone has a maximum rotation of 2 banners per banner position)
4. Banner position in RIGHT DOWN1 and RIGHT DOWN2, 350x250px, all pages and subpages
RIGHT DOWN1 - price of partnership for one month: 400 €
RIGHT DOWN1 - 6 month partnership price: 2220 € (1 month / 370 €)
RIGHT DOWN1 - 12 month partnership price: 3840 € (1 month / 320 €)
RIGHT DOWN2 - price of partnership for one month: 400 €
RIGHT DOWN2 - 6 months partnership price: 2220 € (1 month / 390 €)
RIGHT DOWN2 - 12 months partnership price: 3840 € (1 month / 330 €)
(Note: the zone has a maximum rotation of 2 banners per banner position)
5. Advertising in video clips - 7-10 second advertising / display; full window; format wmv, avi, or static JPEG image
Partnership price per month: 1000 €
Partnership price for 6 months: 5400 € (1 month / 900 €)
Partnership price for 12 months: 9000 € (1 month / 750 €)
(Note: the placement of an ad in video clips automatically takes place when each video is finalized, ie it remains in the video clip after the partnership has ended; the ad is placed in all EastLabs Team video clips those partners who directly supported the contest)
6. Advertising in video clips - partner logo during playback of the clip, format - JPEG
Price of partnership for one month: 450 €
Partnership price for 6 months: 2460 € (1 month / 410 €)
Partnership price for 12 months: 4200 € (1 month / 350 €)
(Note: the placement of the partner logo in the top / bottom corner of the video is automatically done when each video is finalized, ie it remains in the video clip even after the partnership has ended; reserves the right to approve ad placement only for those partners who directly supported the competition / action)
7. Advertising in video clips - 7-10 second advertising link; 1/10 okna; static JPEG image
Price of partnership for one month: 450 €
Partnership price for 6 months: 2460 € (1 month / 410 €)
Partnership price for 12 months: 4200 € (1 month / 350 €)
(Note: the placement of an ad in video clips automatically takes place when each video is finalized, ie it remains in the video clip after the partnership has ended; the ad is placed in all EastLabs Team video clips those partners who directly supported the contest)
8. Image advertising link to the partner's website in the RIGHT DOWN zone
Partnership price for 6 months: 1800 € (1 month / 225 €)
Partnership price for 12 months: 2280 € (1 month / 190 €)
9. Advertising PR article of any scope
Price for publication of one article: 180 €
(Note: the advertising article will be supplied by the advertising partner)
10. BIG BANNER banner position, all pages and subpages
BIG BANNER - partnership price for 12 months: 1950 € / month
11. Advertising partnership for selected section
Articles that are published on that section of the site will always include an advertising link promoting the partner at the beginning of the article.
Advertising partnership for selected section for 12 months: 450 € / month
Example for competition articles: EastLabs Team's participation in Olympia Weekend 2015 was supported by TIPSPORT.SK and AMIX Nutrition